Patient Engagement Improves Outcomes and Lowers Costs

Patient engagement has become an important part of healthcare in recent years. Here's how it can improve outcomes and lower costs.

Patient engagement has become an important part of healthcare in recent years. Studies have shown that engaging patients in their care can improve outcomes and lower costs. This article will discuss the evidence supporting this claim and suggest ways that healthcare providers can better engage patients in their care.


Patient engagement is defined as “the active involvement of patients in their own care and in the decisions that affect their health and well-being.” It is a key component of patient-centered care, which is an approach to healthcare that emphasizes collaboration between patients and providers. Patient engagement can take many forms, including shared decision-making, patient education, and self-management.


There is a growing body of evidence that suggests patient engagement can improve outcomes and lower costs. A study conducted by the University of California, San Francisco, found that engaging patients in their care was associated with lower hospital readmission rates and lower mortality rates. Other studies have shown that patient engagement can reduce healthcare costs by improving population health and reducing the utilization of unnecessary services.

Research conducted by the University of Michigan found that patient engagement was associated with better outcomes in chronic conditions such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and congestive heart failure. The study found that engaging patients in their care was associated with lower hospital readmission rates, lower mortality rates, and improved health outcomes.

In addition to improving outcomes and reducing costs, patient engagement can also improve the quality of care. A study conducted by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) found that patient engagement was associated with improved communication between patients and providers, better patient satisfaction, and improved patient adherence to treatment plans.

Strategies for Engaging Patients

Healthcare providers can use a variety of strategies to increase patient engagement. One of the most effective strategies is to involve patients in decision-making. This can be done by providing patients with educational materials about their condition and treatment options and allowing them to be involved in choosing the best treatment plan for their needs.

Providers can also encourage patient self-management by providing patients with tools to monitor their own condition. For example, patients with diabetes can be provided with glucose meters and blood pressure cuffs to monitor their condition. Providers can also encourage patient self-management by providing them with information about healthy lifestyle choices and connecting them with support networks.

Finally, providers can use technology to engage patients. For example, providers can use telemedicine to communicate with patients remotely or they can use patient portals to provide patients with access to their medical records and to communicate with their healthcare teams.


Patient engagement is an important part of patient-centered care that can improve outcomes and reduce costs. Studies have shown that engaging patients in their care can lead to better outcomes and lower costs. Healthcare providers can use a variety of strategies to increase patient engagement, including involving patients in decision-making, providing tools for self-management, and using technology to communicate with patients. By taking steps to engage patients in their care, healthcare providers can help improve outcomes and reduce costs.